Termes et Conditions – Berta Tiny House
Cancelation policy :
If you cancel your booking more than 2 weeks (14 days) before the scheduled arrival date, an amount equivalent to 50% of the total price of the booking will be retained.
If you cancel your booking within 14 days of the scheduled arrival date, in the event of interruption of the stay or no-show, the full price of the stay will be due and payable to Berta Tiny house.
Check-in Time :
Check-in at Berta Tiny House is possible from 15:00 on the day of your arrival. It is important to respect this time to ensure that the accommodation is fully ready for your arrival. -
Check-out :
The accommodation must be vacated by 11.30 a.m. on the day of your departure. Late check-out may result in additional charges or inconvenience to future guests. -
Respect for the premises and damage:
The tenant undertakes to respect the premises and to return the accommodation in the condition in which it was found. In the event of damage, non-respect of the premises or abnormal conditions of stay, additional charges and a request for compensation may be applied.. -
General terms and conditions: :
By accepting these terms, you agree to respect the arrival and departure times and the general condition of the accommodation during your stay. In the event of damage, repair or replacement costs may be charged.